
Where to play

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24px" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="24px" fill="#EA3323"><path d="M480.02-472.5q36.98 0 62.23-25.27t25.25-62.25q0-36.98-25.27-62.23t-62.25-25.25q-36.98 0-62.23 25.27t-25.25 62.25q0 36.98 25.27 62.23t62.25 25.25ZM480-56Q307.5-201.5 221.75-317.75T136-554.31Q136-714 240-808.75q104.01-94.75 240-94.75t240 94.75Q824-714 824-554.31q0 120.31-85.75 236.56T480-56Z"/></svg>: Places where you can meet other Centurion players and start playing the game.

: Locations hosting ongoing leagues competing in the national league.

Not all places where Centurion can be played are marked on the map as we may not be in contact with every store or group of players. This page only includes those communities we are familiar with.

The map is incomplete and we welcome your assistance in expanding it. Please reach out to us at centvrioncommander@gmail.com.