Cards on the Run – What to do now?

September 16, 2024

Welcome to this new experiment! In this article, we’ll guide you through tips, strategies, and decklists to make the most of legal cards thanks to the latest Banlist update released on September 16.

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We can’t wait to hear your opinions and suggestions!

But now, let’s dive into the most exciting part.

What changes from today?

Let’s start with the banned cards, which won’t be the main focus of this article. We’re saying goodbye to The One Ring, Comet, Stellar Pup, and all cards that generate attractions and stickers. You can find the reasoning behind these decisions in the official announcement.

In addition to these bans, we also bid farewell to Flash to make room for Protean Hulk in the format, opening up new potential interactions.

Two old favorites are returning to the battlefield: Omnath, Locus of Creation and Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy. The final piece of news is the inclusion of another card that has never seen play in our format before, Oath of Druids.

Omnath, Locus of Creation

Let’s begin our deep dive with Omnath, Locus of Creation, which is not just a powerful commander but also a card offering extraordinary versatility, adaptable to various strategies. Here are a few paths you could explore.

Our first focus is on a version of Omnath that aims to maintain control over the opponent’s battlefield while accumulating advantages over time. The idea is to leverage Omnath’s ability at the right moment to establish a solid board presence, generating mana to play highly consistent turns. This build pairs well with the Scapeshift plan, a card that allows you to sacrifice your lands to search for an equal number from your deck and put them directly onto the battlefield. Combined with Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle, this card can help you close the game. While this strategy currently sees little play, we hope Omnath will be the commander to bring the Scapeshift combo back into the spotlight.

Another option we propose is for the nostalgic fans of Birthing Pod and lovers of creatures with ETB (Enter the Battlefield) triggers. This build takes advantage of the mythic artifact Birthing Pod and Nadu, Winged Wisdom to create an ETB synergy engine that perfectly complements Omnath’s abilities. In this build, creatures are strategically chosen to maximize standalone impact, and besides the various synergies, you can close the combo with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Felidar Guardian.

Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy

If you’re passionate about combo strategies and love the green-blue color pairing for its ability to generate value and resources, then this deck is tailor-made for you.

Kinnan shines thanks to his ability to open the door to a series of combos and synergies. In this deck, we’ll explore how to fully exploit Kinnan’s abilities, combining them with a selection of key cards to build a machine capable of deploying formidable threats.

Protean Hulk

Protean Hulk, with its ability to fetch creatures from your deck upon its death, offers tremendous potential for building powerful and innovative combos, opening up new strategies and combinations that were previously limited. Protean Hulk enables fresh and dynamic deck builds, enriching the strategic landscape of the format.

Prime Speaker Vannifar is the ideal commander to harness the power of Protean Hulk. With her ability to “evolve” increasingly powerful creatures, Vannifar can turn every creature you control into a key for a potent combo. With Protean Hulk in the mix, you can conclude tutor chains with incredible efficiency. To cover all the lines of this deck would require a dedicated article, but for now, we refer you to this website, where you can find the main strategies.

Oath of Druids

With the arrival of Oath of Druids in the format, we’re excited to explore the new opportunities this card brings to Centurion Commander 1v1. For a long time, Oath of Druids was considered a significant threat due to its power in Vintage, but the evolution of the metagame and the current pace of play have significantly reduced concerns about this card. Let’s explore how Oath of Druids can be integrated into decks that fully capitalize on its power by looking at two particularly interesting builds with the commanders Tasigur, the Golden Fang and Esika, God of the Tree//The Prismatic Bridge.

Tasigur, the Golden Fang has been the centerpiece of many different builds over time. One of the latest comes from Damiano Marchi, who presented his primer here on our site. Here’s our updated version with the inclusion of Oath of Druids.

A commander already present in the format who echoes the effect of Oath of Druids is The Prismatic Bridge. In this deck, the two-mana enchantment allows us to replicate our commander’s effect but a few turns earlier. One of the most effective ways to use Oath is by including it in decks that aim to cheat large creatures into play, bypassing their mana cost. It’s worth considering it in decks like The Mimeoplasm, Kenrith, the Returned King, Tasigur, the Golden Fang, and potentially as an additional finisher in Old Stickfingers.

How to use “new” cards?

In this article, we’ve tried to answer that question, but we believe this is just the beginning: the potential of these cards is yet to be fully uncovered!

Centurion Commander 1v1 is constantly evolving, and these new additions could revolutionize the metagame. The possibilities are numerous: from unexpected synergies with Protean Hulk to innovative ones with Oath of Druids, as well as the powerful mechanics offered by Omnath and Kinnan. We invite you to explore, test, and create with these new cards and your own ideas.

Don’t forget to share the results of your deckbuilding sessions with the rest of the community. Thank you for your continued participation and support.

The Committee



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